Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Just want to share how to create a job application letter. Attention please, this example:

For example:


Terms    :     -----------------------
Facilities    :     -----------------------

Complete application addressed to:
Jl. EI Kebonsari Veka VIII / 12 Jakarta

























Jakarta, July 8, 2011

Attachment    :     One sheet
Subject    :     Application of work


Daily Advertiser on Seputar Indonesia
Road Kebonsari EI Veka VIII / 12

Based on the advertisements published in Harian Seputar Indonesia 13 September 2010, about a job as a Marketing Executive, I am the undersigned:
name                :     RatnaAulia
place and date of birth    :     Jakarta, 9 November 1992
address                :     St.
phone number            :     085xxx
gender                :     Female
religion            :     Islam
Education            :     Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of
Sharif Hidayatullah (State Islamic University Jakarta), Jakarta
hereby apply to fill such vacancies.
For your consideration, I enclose:
1. A copy of the last diploma
2. A copy of police record certificate
3. A copy of ID card
4. 1 sheet of yellow card Depnakes
5. A 4x6-sized photographs
6. 1 sheet resume

Similarly, I have to say this cover letter with the hope Sir or Madam please consider it. For the attention Sir or Madam, I thank you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Ratna Aulia
















READ MORE - Just want to share how to create a job application letter. Attention please, this example:


There are two words which make us very confused. They’re the words 'like and alike'.
Remember, that the words like 'n alike have the same meaning. One thing to remember, 'like' is used between the two nouns compared, while 'alike' is used after the two nouns or a plural noun. observe the following:

- This car is like that one over there.
- This car and that one are alike.
- The (two) cars are alike.

- Ratna doesn't look very much like her sister.
- Ratna and her sister don't look very much alike

- Father treats us like the other employees.
- Father treats us and the other employees alike.
- Father treats us all alike. (in the same way)

For more examples study the following:

Incorrect : "The weather feels as winter"
Correct : "The weather feels like winter"

Incorrect : "The two boys are like"
Correct : " The two boys are alike"

Incorrect : "Your recipe for kitchen is like to a recipe that my brother has”
Correct : "Your recipe for kitchen is like a recipe that my brother has”

Incorrect : "I want to buy a PC as the one you have"
Correct : "I want to buy a PC like the one you have"

Incorrect : "Lisa and her sister don't look like"
Correct : "Lisa and her sister don't look alike"

I do hope the above explanation is enough to help you understand the problems on 'like' and 'alike'.

Talking About Pancasila

Talking About Pancasila

+ Do you know Pancasila well?

- Yes. Pancasila is the foundation of our state. It becomes the Indonesian way of life.

+ When was Pancasila born?

- It was born on June 1st Nineteen forty-five.

+ What does Panca mean?

- Panca means five, and sila means principcle. so, Pancasila is the five Basic principcles of the Republic of Indonesia.

+ What are the five principcles?

- The five principcles are:

1. Believe in The One Supreme God.

2. Just and Civilised Humanity.

3. The Unity of Indonesia.

4. Democracy which is guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberation amongst representatives.

5. Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

+ What's meant by believe in The One Supreme God?

- It means that the Indonesian people ought to believe in God. The worshippers of each religion are given freedom to perform their respective services. There's no place for atheism, communism or Marxism in Indonesia.

+ What's meant by just and Civilised Humanity?

- It means that we ought to respect humanity throughout the world and we ought to live in peaceful situation with the whole of the people in the world.

+ What's mean by the Unity of Indonesia?

_ It means that there is only one in Indonesia. Indonesia people ought to put the unity, the well-being and the safety of nation before self or group interest.

+ What does the fourth principcle mean?

- It means that the principcle of sovereignity is carried out by the pople through the bodies of the state.

+ What's meant by social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia?

- It means that all Indonesia people have the same right and duty to create the social justice in the life of Indonesian community.

+ Where is the legal formulation of Pancasila mentioned?

_ It's mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the preface of Indonesian Constitution (The Contitution 1945).

+ Thankz! You understand Pancasila well. You're good citizen.

READ MORE - Talking About Pancasila

People say, “Easier said than done”. And “Deeds, not words”. But, “Words are so nice”!!!

©Proverbs/Wise Words which are useful for U©

"Intelligent people are people who want to take lessons from each life journey that passes"

" Truly intelligent people are people who could control the passions and packed on the day later (hereafter)"

"Be yourself with what we got. Trust that God and His Apostle and the believers will see what we do. So, understand self-motivation and achievement that we do"

"Happiness lies not in how much money you have, but on how much we appreciate"

"The more we give, the more we earn" (Grace Spare)

"If you forgive, you certainly can not change the past, but it will change the future" (Bernard D. Meltzer)

"Not many people are able to forgive others, especially the parents fault. And the key to the future is forgiveness and learn from mistakes"

"I took advantage of everything that comes into my life and not protracted think every thing is gone from my life"

"Every human being is only capable of finding life, they are not able to create it" (Kahlil Gibran)

"I guess. . . Every day I make a few changes. That's my main goal. . . Every day make a difference in someone's life, or just in my own life"

"We may not be able to change the situation outside, but we can choose how to perceive and respond to it. A positive attitude is a strength" (Hillary Carlip)

"There is no instant success. I've long since noticed that successful people do not duduk2 and wait what will happen to him. Successful people have tried, pray, act, and act"

"People with new ideas is a freak until the idea was successful" (Mark Twain)

"The nature of progress is the result never obtained before, lies not in improvement" (Kahlil Gibran)

"Have the courage and daring to think that you can make changes. That should be if the young"

"Start by doing a what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible" (Arnold Glasgow)

"Whatever you want to do, just do it. Do not worry do foolishness, because it is necessary. You'll enjoy it"

"Actually the most important for man lies in his desire, not the result of his efforts" (Kahlil Gibran)

"Wealth does not belong to those who are born rich, but to those who never gave up"

"Don't wait till tomorrow what you can do today" (Benyamin Franklin)

"If you work in earnest, you will succeed"

"Cleverness is more expensive than the treasures"

"Many a little makes a mickle"

No gain without pain"

"The importance of everything is not only to know something, but to carry out what is known"

"The less you talk, the more you listen" (Abigaiz Van Burder)

Do'a, "God, grant me the sincerity to accept the things I can not change. Courage to change the things I changed. And the wisdom to understand the difference between the two
Baca secara fonetik"

"We must acknowledge our bodies as ours to be loved and respected, whatever the shape and size. Fat, thin, soft, rough, furrowed, smooth. . . Our body is our home"

"If I may ask that my life is perfect, it is a tantalizing temptation. However, I will reject it. Because then, I can not draw lessons from life"

"Remember, if I try to like him. So. . . Who wants to be like me? "(Yiddish Proverb)

"We will be getting away with what we hate. And what we hate can be good for us. Therefore, begin to approach what we hate and feel the difference"

"Life happiness can only be felt by those who believe in the sincerity" (Kahlil Gibran)

"How do you think about someone to be the effect of how others think about you. If ye think good, he'll think better. Vice versa"

"We often think that our problems are most severe in comparison to others. Apparently, others thought the same thing as us. Oh, apparently share the best solution"

"In hope and love, nothing is impossible" (janos Arany)

"In fact, the sound of life in me can not come to you, but it would be nice if we talk to ward off loneliness" (Kahlil Gibran)

"First rule of life: appreciate friends and family as if your life depends on them. . . because that's a fact" (Ann Richards)

"Friendship is the sharing of self. No matter to me what I do with my friend, as long as I was with them" (Janet F. Quinn)

"If you do not have nothing but great friends, you're rich" (Michelle Kwan)

"Believe me, that difference will make you a very unique friendship. Because friendship is built by accepting differences, not only can receive the equation"

"The difference is a gift that was deliberately created Allah. See, the difference can make the world seem more diverse"

"Some experts say that having best friends is far more important than popular or get good grades"

"A good teacher is a friend who loves you, who thinks you're interesting or important, or funny and enjoyable" (Brenda Uelan)

"True friendship is like glow of phosphorus. Shine light into darkness when the world around"

"A friend in need is a friend indeed"

"Friendship is stronger than war"

"Manners are like oil that reduces friction with each other" (Democritus)

"Marriage will steady man"

"Handyman gossip is one who speaks to you about others. People who are boring is he talking to you about himself. And a brilliant pengobral is he's talking to you about yourself" (Lira Kirk)

"Education is the first that emits light to the future" (Mari Evans)

"A little learning is a dangerous thing"

"Embrace of a mother is more comfortable than anyone else's arms" (Lady Diana)

"Beautiful things in life are generally numerous. There are plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, and friends. But there is only one mother in this world" (Douglas Wiggin)

"Most of us do not realize that the love of a mother is not always through words. Most of us just feel so loved when it hurt her mother. Most of us feel that our view of the mother makes as if the last person who understands the changing times"

"Our eyes are often dark if you see the good treatment of mothers. But it was so wide open when the mother made a mistake. Why do not we see the little things that made the mother very meaningful in our lives?"

"Grateful to the mother because no one is willing to accept us as it is. . . In addition to maternal"

"A wise son is the one that makes father rejoiced, and a stupid son is the grief of his mother"

"The only way we get the love is not demanding that we loved, but start giving affection to others without expecting anything in return" (Dak Carnagie)

"Love is the unseen light emitted from the contents of the soul that burns and illuminates the earth. Love it allows us all to understand and know that life is ten thousand beautiful dream between waking and the other" (Kahlil Gibran)

"anything for love, otherwise it is said, will not mean anything"

"If we really love him, then we will accept it unconditionally and will not change what's already there in him"

"Almost everyone is asking how to love perfectly. One answer is to love what they are. Love with a sincere hope. And did not make the people we love change as we want. Because, we never loved him what it is"

"Remembrance is a form of encounter between past and future, which is making out with the present"

"The fear was deliberately created to test us. Are we able to deal with it or not. If able, accept the soul of courage as a consequence. If unable, the consequence is timid and cowardly soul"

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence from every experience makes you pause to confront your fears. You may say to yourself, "I have been brave to face this horror. I'm definitely capable of facing the next thing" (Eleanor Roosevelt)

"Courage is the sixth sense that will find the shortest path in victory" (Kahlil Gibran)

"When you open up your secrets on the water. . . So do not blame the water when you open your secrets on the roots and rocks"

"Why should we subject to the rules of life that can not distinguish between humans and animals!?" (Kahlil Gibran)

"You can not be lonely if you like yourself"

READ MORE - People say, “Easier said than done”. And “Deeds, not words”. But, “Words are so nice”!!!

How to connect Internet using a modem

Want internet connection using a sim card (anything sim card) on your PC? OK! But how do I confused the setting? Relax, take it easy, guys. Directly. . . following ways:

  • First, insert the sim card into a 3.5G modem
  • Plug the modem into the USB port of your computer or laptop usb
  • Then you connect using 3.5G modem with the parameters. Usually using the softwareMobile Partner:
  1. Create a new profile, click on menu Tools-Options-Profile Management
  2. Fill in the confirmation modem settings (APN, Access number / Dial number, User name, Password) *
  3. After creating a new profile, click the Save button, and then the OK button. Press Connect to start your internet connection






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Ok, Is now complete? You can enjoy the Internet service on your PC or laptop. If using a laptop, can OL anywhere, without wires and complicated by his friends. Stay plug your dongle, Connect, can directly browse. Cool right?! You also could substitute for the sim card. Just re-wrote regristration enough, according to your sim card.

Good luck, and. . . . . enjoy!

READ MORE - How to connect Internet using a modem

This is a horror story, (but not obvious!) I created this story, When I home alone!

The sound of thunder made me awake. Uh, hard, makes me surprised. My eyes open, but why so dark? Maybe the electricity goes out, because it rained quite heavy and incessant thunder boomed. Or maybe before bed I turn off the lights. I don't know, I forgot. I grab my hand phone, the only tool in times of emergency such as this torch. I see the clock on my phone, at 12:15 AM. But it seems Mom had not come home. Maybe late at the office. If you have, Mom would never let me sleep in couch.

My name is Wendy. A fifteen-year-old girl. Ever since Dad died, Mom had to earn more extra. Poor Mom. I wish I could help. But just study hard and my accomplishments I was able to Mom happy. But. . . I wish I could do more for the Mom. Hhhh. . .

Taarrrrr! A voice suddenly awaken me from my reverie. I'm sure, just what I heard was not thunder. It seems from the kitchen. Like the sound of glass breaking. Is there a glass that fell? But who's dropping. . . more precisely, accidentally dropped!? Maybe someone knocking glasses on the table until the fall. Is it Mom? Mom had gone home?

I got up off the couch. I dared myself to try and see what happens, see what the noise was. And if anyone in the kitchen. But. . . Is that brave as me? I'm home alone, midnight, dark. Ouch, paranoid! Cold, my neck feathers goose bumps. But curiosity is very strong push me.

I step forward with my feet carefully. Crept walked into the kitchen. I turn on my hp to illuminate my path.

Drrt-drrrtt. . . Biip-biiippp. . . Drrrt. . .

I jump. My cell phone vibrates, and there is an incoming call tone. I see on the screen, "Mom". . .

I press accept, then I stick my ear.

"Hello, darling... Did I disturb your sleep? I just want to say, maybe I'll come home early. Excuse me, you be home alone tonight. Ma....."

I turn off my hp. Enough is enough. My legs trembled. I've no longer feel afraid of strong and cold. I just try to open the mouth while standing in place, trying to scream. But. . . heavy. My throat is dry. Between conscious and unconscious, I finally made a sound.

"Who's there?"

READ MORE - This is a horror story, (but not obvious!) I created this story, When I home alone!

How to Use Your Eyes to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Now we haul in the heavy eyeball artillery: very sticky eyes or superglue eyes. Let's call them "Epoxy Eyes." Big bosses use Epoxy Eyes to evaluate employees. Police investigators use Epoxy Eyes to intimidate suspected criminals. And clever Romeos use Epoxy Eyes to make woman

fall in love with them. (If romance is your goal, Epoxy Eyes is a proven aphrodisiac).
The Epoxy Eyes technique takes at least three people to pull off-you, your target, and one other person. Here's how it works. Usually, when you're chatting with two or more people, you gaze out at the person who is speaking. However, the Epoxy Eyes technique suggests you concentrate on the listener-your target-rather than the speaker. This slightly disorients the target and he or she silently asks, "why is this person looking at me instead of the speaker?" Your target senses you're extremely interested in his or her reactions. This can be beneficial in certain business situations when it is appropriate that you judge the listener.
Human, resources, professionals often use Epoxy Eyes, not as a technique, but because they're sincerely interested in a prospective employee's reaction to certain ideas being presented. Attorneys, bosses, police investigators, psychologists, and others who must examine subject's reactions also use Epoxy Eyes for analytical purposes.
When you use Epoxy Eyes, it sends out signals of interest blended with complete confidence in yourself. But because Epoxy Eyes puts you in a position of evaluating or judging someone else, you must be careful. Don't overdo it or you could come across as arrogant and brazen.

This brazen technique packs a powerful punch. Watch your target person even when someone else talking. No matter who is speaking, keep looking at the man or woman you want to impact.

Sometimes using full Epoxy Eyes is too potent, so here is a gentler, yet effective, form. Watch the speaker but let your glance bounce to your target each time the speaker finishes a point. This way Mr. or Ms. Target still feels you're intrigued by his or her reactions, yet there's relief from the intensity.

(Source: HOW TO TALK TO ANYONE, by Leil Lowndes)
READ MORE - How to Use Your Eyes to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
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