Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Talking About Pancasila

Talking About Pancasila

+ Do you know Pancasila well?

- Yes. Pancasila is the foundation of our state. It becomes the Indonesian way of life.

+ When was Pancasila born?

- It was born on June 1st Nineteen forty-five.

+ What does Panca mean?

- Panca means five, and sila means principcle. so, Pancasila is the five Basic principcles of the Republic of Indonesia.

+ What are the five principcles?

- The five principcles are:

1. Believe in The One Supreme God.

2. Just and Civilised Humanity.

3. The Unity of Indonesia.

4. Democracy which is guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberation amongst representatives.

5. Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

+ What's meant by believe in The One Supreme God?

- It means that the Indonesian people ought to believe in God. The worshippers of each religion are given freedom to perform their respective services. There's no place for atheism, communism or Marxism in Indonesia.

+ What's meant by just and Civilised Humanity?

- It means that we ought to respect humanity throughout the world and we ought to live in peaceful situation with the whole of the people in the world.

+ What's mean by the Unity of Indonesia?

_ It means that there is only one in Indonesia. Indonesia people ought to put the unity, the well-being and the safety of nation before self or group interest.

+ What does the fourth principcle mean?

- It means that the principcle of sovereignity is carried out by the pople through the bodies of the state.

+ What's meant by social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia?

- It means that all Indonesia people have the same right and duty to create the social justice in the life of Indonesian community.

+ Where is the legal formulation of Pancasila mentioned?

_ It's mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the preface of Indonesian Constitution (The Contitution 1945).

+ Thankz! You understand Pancasila well. You're good citizen.

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